The Perseverance Project

is a 501c3 nonprofit that is dedicated to providing financial assistance for individuals with spinal cord injuries, movement and neurological disorders.

There are many Hidden Costs associated with paralysis.

  • Costs

    There are numerous hidden financial challenges that come with having a spinal cord injury, neurological or movement disorder. These challenges include loss of income, reduced earning potential, costs of a caregiver, family accommodations near the hospital, in home equipment, and activity-based rehabilitation, to name a few. Although insurance or government assistance may be available, it rarely begins to cover everything.

  • Transportation

    Transportation can be an ongoing challenge post injury or diagnosis. Relying on family, friends, and public transit is not always possible. Also, most vehicle modifications are costly and often times not feasible. Car adaptations such as hand controls can cost anywhere from $1,000-$12,000. However a new accessible van can cost upwards of $85,000.

  • Home Adaptation

    Home Adaptation is essential after injury or diagnosis. Modifying a home post injury or diagnosis can include installing ramps, handrails, chair lifts, updating showers, toilets, and widening doorways. There are insurance and federal funding programs out there, although information is often times not readily available.

  • Health

    Spinal cord injury along with neurological and movement disorders can lead to a list of long and short term health problems. These secondary conditions include urinary tract infections, pressure sores, respiratory complications, and struggles with mental health.

  • Exercise and Therapy

    It can take years of exercise and physical therapy for individuals to achieve a desired level of independence and/or return of function. Physical, Occupational and Activity-Based rehabilitation may be limited, or are not covered by insurance and can be financially draining.

  • Lawsuits

    Individuals that suffer based on another’s negligence could be eligible for legal compensation. Lawsuits can take years and cost thousands of dollars to complete.

How your donations help

  • Paying Bills

  • Recovery

  • Community

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success before they gave up.”

— Thomas Edison

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